European Free Software Policy Meeting 2016

05 February 2016

Author: OpenForum Europe

Traditionally, Brussels is the place to go for Free Software enthusiasts and developers at the end of January. During FOSDEM, hundreds of experts talk about their beloved project and discuss the past, present and future of Open Source. It is a great place for meeting like-minded people.

At the afternoon before the start of the conference, the Free Software Foundation Europe and OpenForum Europe organised a meeting of representatives of Free Software related action groups of all sorts. 19 organisations were present. The purpose of the meeting was to learn about each others activities, with an emphasis on public policy related actions.

It was great to have Julia Reda, Member of the European Parliament, with us at the meeting. She spoke about the Parliament’s initiative to ask the Commission to take an initiative to  improve the quality control practices around essential Free and Open Software used in critical infrastructures (FOSSA)  and about the support for Free Software as expressed in the Parliament’s report on the Digital Single Market initiative of the Commission  In this report, the Parliament: