OFE – Out with the Old, in with the New!

03 October 2016

Author: Graham Taylor

OFE is delighted to announce a number of changes in the structure of OFE.

Firstly Graham Taylor who as Chairman and CEO of OFE since its formation in 2002 will be retiring as CEO with effect from the 1st October. He will, however, remain Chairman of the OFE Board, looking particularly at the long term development of OFE, and will continue to be directly involved in a number of current projects.

Replacing him as CEO will be Sachiko Muto, who has recently returned with her family after 5 years on the West Coast of the US. She is no stranger to OFE having been directly involved in much of the strategic thinking since 2007, and as a Director since 2009. Equally she is no stranger to Brussels, having worked in EU public affairs since 2003.

The key focus for Sachiko will be the further development of OFE as the think tank for openness in ICT, and the restructuring will put even greater importance on our policy and research development. To reflect this, we are pleased to announce the promotion of Diana Cocoru to Director for Policy and Research, who admirably filled the role of Head of Policy and now also joins the OFE Board. We expect the policy focus to be substantially extended and our policy inputs to increase through white papers, round tables, briefings, project work, and commercial services.